Family Resources
Family Resources
Supporting families through incarceration; Supporting your loved ones’ rehabilitation
Singapore Prison Service (SPS) recognizes that incarceration of a loved one can be a difficult period for you and your family. In the Letter of Notification, you will also find a list of relevant helping resources in the community that can help you and your families. You may also approach the Family Resource Centre located at Prison Link Centre (Changi) to speak to a social worker.
SPS collaborates with many partners in the community to support families and offenders. During the rehabilitation journey, your loved one is able to request assistance for the family from partners like grassroots volunteers under the Yellow Ribbon Community Project, Family Service Centres and other social service agencies. You will also be invited to participate in programmes that aim to enhance your relations with your family members, including your incarcerated loved one. Some programmes also offer support to the children under your care.
SPS encourages your participation as your involvement in your loved one’s rehabilitation will help to motivate them and strengthen their resolve to desist from a life of crime and return as responsible members of your families.
This may be a challenging period for you, and you may be feeling overwhelmed from your loved ones’ incarceration
The resources below share information that may be helpful towards your family or your incarcerated loved one.
Here are resources, such as self-care tips and how you can maintain contact with your loved ones. A list of community resources that may be able to provide assistance is also included. Here are resources, such as self-care tips and how you can maintain contact with your loved ones. A list of community resources that may be able to provide assistance is also included.
- Family Resources
- Community Resources Brochure
- Additional Helplines and Social Services
- Self-Care Tips
This handbook includes practical tips on what you can do to support your loved ones during incarceration and prepare for their reintegration.
‘A Woman’s Journey Home’
The Singapore Prison Service worked with the Singapore Anti-Narcotics Association to produce ‘A Woman’s Journey Home’, a book about that focuses on the desistance journey of women offenders through narrative stories compiled from current and ex-women offenders.
Launched on 29 September 2022, the book is source of motivation for offenders who are still on their change journey.
Read the e-book here‘Waiting For You’
We often hear success stories from persons in recovery, but seldom give attention to their families who suffer devastating blows when they are dragged through cycles of substance addiction. The DRC Family Engagement Workgroup produced ‘Waiting For You’, a book that explores the subjective experiences of 22 families of DRC inmates, with interviewees conveying their hope and support for our drug offenders to stay on the path of recovery.We often hear success stories from persons in recovery, but seldom give attention to their families who suffer devastating blows when they are dragged through cycles of substance addiction.
The DRC Family Engagement Workgroup produced ‘Waiting For You’, a book that explores the subjective experiences of 22 families of DRC inmates, with interviewees conveying their hope and support for our drug offenders to stay on the path of recovery.
Read the e-book here#Everyone's Column
#Everyone's Column is a publication featuring narratives (stories, poems and songs) from inmates, supervisees, desistors, volunteers and staff. Each issue focuses on different topics such as friends, family and gratitude.
How can I better support my loved one in his/her journey of change?”
“I wish my loved one and I can better understand each other.”
We hear you! These are common questions that you or your family members may have when your loved one is incarcerated. To address these questions, we would like to invite you to watch videos on topics such as:
* The art of listening and communication à include hyperlink for these pointers to the videos * Understanding Addiction from Science and lived experiences * Resilience Mastery: thriving through life’s challenges
There are reflection questions at the end of each video, which you can use for your own reflection, or to have a conservation with your loved one.
You are and can be part of your loved one’s journey of change.Video List
The Art of Listening and Communication
Let's see how we can use effective communication to get through difficult times.
Or click here for the full playlist
Understanding Addiction
Gain insights on how to support your loved one to form healthier habits. Also hear from desistors on how they managed to overcome their drug triggers and cravings.
* Desistors are individuals who have been through similar journeys in the past.
Or click here for the full playlist
Resilience Mastery: Thriving through Life’s Challenges
Learn about mindfulness and the strategies that desistors use to overcome difficulties in their journey of recovery.
Or click here for the full playlist