Youth Offenders
Release on Supervision (ROS)
Release on Supervision (ROS) is a mandatory component of Reformative Training (RT) to ensure that the RT inmates' rehabilitation needs are addressed and are well reintegrated before they can be considered for discharge from RT.
All RT inmates are reviewed regularly by the Reformative Training Centre (RTC) Review Committee to determine their suitability for ROS, depending on their identified rehabilitation needs, conduct and progress in RTC.
During ROS, Reintegration Officers and Case Workers are assigned to the RT inmates to provide intervention and guidance in their reintegration to the community. If they fail to comply with any of the requirements stipulated in the supervision order, they are subjected to disciplinary actions in accordance with the severity of the breach, from verbal warning to a possible recall back to RTC.
Recalled RT inmates whose supervision order has been revoked will be reviewed regularly on their suitability for ROS. Recalled RT inmates are required to attend a Recallee Programme to address key reintegration challenges. They will be reviewed for their suitability for the next ROS.
Community Rehabilitation Centre (CRC)
The Community Rehabilitation Centre (CRC) was officially launched in January
2015, to help first-time young drug offenders to rehabilitate into society
with minimal disruptions after they have completed a short detention at
the Drug Rehabilitation Centre (DRC).
Suitable rehabilitation programmes are offered to better address the needs of these young drug offenders based on their profiles.

The CRC regime can be divided into two phases – Residential and Home Leave.
Residential Phase
For the first six months of their stay, residents are offered casework
and counselling services to build resilience against drug addiction and
strengthen family ties. During this period they can attend school or work
outside the CRC during this period.
Home Leave Phase
In the last six months, residents will be assessed on their suitability
to return to their families and will be electronically tagged. In addition
to supervision and support by their family members, they will continue
to receive counselling by their assigned caseworker to ensure that they
stay on track and drug-free.
Partnering the Community

Singapore Prison Service (SPS) partners the Youth Guidance Outreach Services (YGOS), a youth-focused Social Service Agency (SSA), as the managing agent of CRC. YGOS taps on its network of community resources to target drug abuse, offering various programmes such as career counselling, sports and mentoring programmes.