Incare (In Prison)
Upon admission to prison, inmates undergo assessment to determine their risks and needs. Based on their identified risks and needs, appropriate programmes are charted for intervention. These programmes include psychology-based correctional programmes, family programmes and religious services.
Learning Prison
Singapore Prison Service (SPS) implemented the Learning Prison (LP), which transforms inmates into better persons during their incarceration, by inculcating learning and change. For effective rehabilitation to take place, inmates must take ownership and responsibility to learn pro-social coping strategies and turn their lives around.
One of the ways that SPS achieves this is through My Action Plan (MAP), a personal planning tool that charts the rehabilitation of each inmate. The inmates’ Correctional Unit Officer (CUO) guides them in this process with discussions on their goals and designing their action plans. The CUO also discusses the inmates’ learning and reflections after they attend programmes that reinforce the learning and action plan.
SPS also partners Yellow Ribbon Singapore (YRSG) to offer inmates opportunities to attend Skills Training courses. These courses improve the inmates’ employability and increase their chances of securing a job after their release, by enabling them to develop foundational skills and attain competencies to help them perform jobs at higher levels.
Before their release, inmates are provided with support to secure jobs and maintain their subsequent employment. Through the deepening of skills and career progression, inmates will be better prepared for their reintegration into the community.